October 24, 2016

Joined: Nov 26, 2011

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Self-reported Score:
700 Q47 V39

e-GMAT verbal


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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I had registered for the course a few months ago but had little time to study due to work constraints. I finally found two weeks of freedom to concentrate and prepare properly for the GMAT. I found myself constantly in the V35 area. With little time left having covered Maths the first week, I went through an intense study prep by first watching the SC free webinar which was very useful for me in approaching each SC question and made me ponder further on the egmat verbal prep. I had always picked out answers based on what sounded right but failed to ignore the most important aspect - Meaning. e-Gmat course was the first among many to revise my strategy in this regard having taken gmat last year. The three step approach was critical in edging me towards the 90%+ accuracy. I quickly learnt a technique or strategy for attacking each type of question. The Reading comprehension package was great for dissecting any type of passage para-graph by para-graph looking our for transition verbs and breaking down jargons. I was more confident after going through the course

How I found e-gmat Verbal Live
As i researched for programs, I noticed that e-gmat had a lot of good reviews (especially worth the bucks) from mostly non-native English speakers. and it costs about 199 dolls for the English package. It is definitly worth it. If you want to get a feel before purchasing, please subscribe to the free webinar for SC, RC and CR to see for yourself. I am sure you would tread the same path :-). The live sessions especially on SC and critical reasoning was absolutely fantastic. Did pretty much all the work for me than all the 100+ page guide I had read much earlier before getting bogged down and taking a break

E-gmat enabled me to cover all basis. The live verbal sessions along with brilliant techniques to solve questions faster and with greater accuracy was core to what made me improve my score. It was highly interactive and the instructor cared about the audience progress. Its essential to master the strategies and follow them completely in order to score high on verbal.

The 3 step process worked wonders for me. The video format of the course is very effective, highly interactive and provides in depth knowledge of all the things you need to master SC. The course is organized and has a nice flow which helps you get the maximum learning out of it. I would strongly strongly recommend this to anyone. I have spread the word to friends and will continue to spread. Within a week of study for english, I was able to obtain a V39. If I decide to retake for a higher score, I would go in on only eGmat Verbal Live Prep for english, spend a bit more time too. Wish fellow e-Gmatters the best :-)

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