September 19, 2016

Joined: Sep 30, 2015

Posts: 45

Kudos: 85

Verified GMAT Classic score:
620 Q49 V27

Right direction- Improving GMAT verbal


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

Before I enrolled in the course, I unsuccessfully self-prepared for the GMAT exam through well-known GMAT books, scoring V25 and V27 - a poor improve after some intensive months of preparation.
So, I decided to attend one of e-gmat's free webinar. This 2.5 hours session was an eye-opening experience for me. Rajat made me realized my weak areas and the right way to improve them, so I decided to enroll in the e-GMAT Verbal Live Prep and work strategically. After these months I can say that it was the best decision because I have successfully improved my accuracy by polishing the e-gmat process.
1) SC: I learned that "meaning" is key. Understand the intended meaning of the sentence, mentally dismantle its structure and determine the role of its parts is helping me to increase my accuaracy. I have reached 80% accuracy so far and I keep improving.
2) CR: Here Pre-thinking is the "key of the Kingdom". Carefully reading the argument, understanding what the author is trying to communicate in the conclusion, and identifying the role of the premises or how the premises affect the conclusion is key. Mastering this mental process helped me to effectively "pre-think" and predict the correct answer.
3) RC: e-gmat reading strategy is awesome. Identifying the structure and the rol of each paragraph helps to better understand the passage and predict the author's main idea.

Now I feel self-confidence while solving each verbal question, understanding meaning, pre-thinking answers and eliminating answer choices for the right reasons. Remember that timing is not the problem. It's an outcome of the process you employ to solve the questions. I still have some more weeks to polish the process and my skills in order to beat the exam! Thanks a lot e-gmat!!

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