June 14, 2016

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Fantastic platform for non native speakers


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Course e-GMAT Online 360

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I came to know about eGmat through one of my friend, an ex-student of eGmat, who scored 700+ on “D day”. Convinced with his feedback about the course, I decided to enrol into the program and, trust me, I never regretted my decision.
Strong determination and learnings from the course have helped me to move my verbal score from 19 to 32 on the test day.

To keep it short, I will share a few key notes:

1. Well-structured and researched course that helps you to understand key concepts via short videos. Provides quizzes at the end of each chapter to test your understanding of the concept . You can further enrich your learnings though diagnostic test in a timed environment. (I have recently tried verbal scholaranium and really liked quality of the questions. It’s close to patterns followed in past Official questions. Planning to complete it by month end.)

2. Focus is upon imbibing the concept of pre-thinking and understanding the meaning before approaching a problem. It took me some time to develop the habit but if you want to avoid silly mistakes and save time, then this would work like a charm.

3. Webinar are engaging and you should attend them as many time as possible. Every time you will discover something new. Mentors guide you to put your learnings from the course into practice and solve official questions by using eGmat approach.

4. Excellent platform to interact and learn from the mentors, who have already championed the game and know the rules. It would be tough to mention all the names but few names that I would like to mention are “Neeti”, “Payal” and “Chiranjeev”. I thank all of them for their patience and guidance during the initials days of enrolment and helping me to get my basics right.

In short, if you are a non-native speaker then eGmat is the place for you to ace verbal section. You can never go wrong with it.

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