February 17, 2016

Joined: Jun 29, 2015

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Verbal Live Prep - e-GMAT course review


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Verbal Live Prep is one of the best courses that is out there for non-natives. It is an audio-based course and hence, more interactive compared to reading books. My favourite part of the course would be the way it is structured. The course would start with the simplest of concepts and would end with the really tricky or interesting ones. AND for every topic the course touches, it has a practical as well as an application quiz. So, it is made sure that you have understood the topic and are able to solve within the time frame as well.

While Selecting a course, as almost everyone preparing for GMAT does, I bought the MGMAT books. But as a working individual , I would be almost always exhausted. I didn't want to read a book after coming back from work. I wanted something more interactive and eGMAT's verbal live/online course is more than what one can imagine or ask for. I really found it beneficial during my preparation.

For me, their best would be the SC course. It is so good that you will start following in your daily lives too.

I would strongly recommend the course for anyone and everyone looking to ace the gmat.

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