September 19, 2016

Joined: Sep 12, 2014

Posts: 1

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
490 Q45 V15

Value for Money!!!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

The egmat quant course is simply amazing. It forces you think in math terms and apply a specific process instead of learn by heart many algebraic formulas.
The videos explanation are easy to follow and allow you to retain more information and key concepts. Although the live sessions contain complex questions, they are extremely helpful because they clarify some of the most frequent doubts one person may have.
The exercises following the theory are designed to build a solid understanding of covered concepts and allow you to attempt more difficult Gmat questions as you proceed through the course.
Besides, the concepts are separated per topic and you can find related exercises easily (this is really helpful because it allows you to review concepts and practice more where needed).
In conclusion, I strongly recommend this course to anyone is serious about the exam and needs a correct and easy approach to solve quant questions

Quant Scholaranium is a great way for practicing and improving your score. It has a lot of options to use. You can choose different areas to practice and track your progress. I am sure that anyone who buys Scholaranium will not be disappointed.
Explanations for the solutions are very good to cement the knownledge on quant. The level of questions are very good an also tha variety covers avarythng that you nedd to know for the gmat test.
In general it was very useful using Scholaranium and I recommend to everyone. I enjoyed using it and it has been a great tool to improve my quant score.

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