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Before Signing for E-GMAT, I was bit confused initially about the on - demand Course, whether my queries will be answered, how will be the responses to my queries whether the content will be able to really help me understand the course and improve my score.
Moreover, Before Attending E GMAT, I Attended a classroom program in Hyderabad, Which did nothing to my confidence and I was more or less at the same place with nothing gained from that program. But E-GMAT has done wonders to my confidence just because they Made Sentence correction more qualitative by presenting the In depth explanation of Many concepts, To Name few of them
• How Ed modifiers are formed
• Relative Pronoun Modifier Modifying Previous Noun or far away Noun
I think they are available for free, guys if you just read them once , these article will change the way you approach these types of question. Before this I have read Manhattan SC guide, Princeton Verbal books But the way concept is present in E Gmat is Phenomenal, They don't just tell you the concept but they detail it to the extent that you feel comfortable and Interesting.
Enough About the SC but the way CR and RC is explained in their verbal online course is also very good. They try to channelize your thinking process towards the correct and with more & more practise answers start becoming oblivious for CR and SC Questions
I Would Definitely Recommend E GMAT Verbal Online Course to anyone who is non native and looking to improve his GMAT score.