September 24, 2015

Joined: May 30, 2013

Posts: 1

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V39

One of the best courses to boost your verbal score in GMAT


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Neeti Sohal

Location Online

GMAT (2nd Attempt: 28 Aug)740
Q 50 V 39 IR 8 AWA 6

After my first attempt in GMAT (690) , I realized i didn’t have a structured approach for my GMAT preparation. When i bumped into Rajat's free webinar about strategies to score 750+, i was impressed with the content of the course. After going through the reviews in gmatclub for the Verbal live prep, i quickly enrolled for it.
Content: this is the best part of the VLP course of eGMAT. They have dissected every possible concept of SC, RC and CR to the minutest level that you absolutely need no other additional material other than OG.
Even after completing OG and MGMAT SC twice during my preparation, I had a lot of scope for improvement in the SC Section after completing the SC Course.
Weekend Webinars: Helps you be on track with the study schedule provided by eGMAT. The discussions are very useful for first timers. the instructors are very friendly and knowledgeable.
They quickly address your concerns both in the classes as well as in the eGMAT forums.
Ability Quizes & Workshops: Very useful in finding out where you stand after you complete the course. I completed these workshops at the very end of the course and it helped me address issues such as timing.
Scholarnium: The best resource of high quality questions with detailed solutions. The responses are well analyzed with respect to timing and difficult level

My only suggestion to the eGMAT team is to explore the possibility of including more questions in the weekend classes.

Overall, i am extremely satisfied with this course. It was one of the main reasons why i had a significant jump in my GMAT verbal score.

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