September 14, 2015

Joined: Sep 15, 2013

Posts: 27

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Egmat VLP worked wonders for me


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I was a re-taker and looking for a GMAT prep customized for non-native speakers. My main weakness was in verbal section, so I took E-GMAT’s Verbal Live Prep based on the reviews on GMAT-Club and some of my friends who had already taken the course. Best part of the course is that it is valid for a duration of 6 months. Even after going through all the live classes I felt that I needed some more time to really grasp the concept, and I was able to repeat the classes in which I had doubts. This also useful for many people who have erratic work load and have to sometimes pause the prep and start again at a later time. I also found the preparation community very helpful. There is a chat option while the online live classes are going on. This helps to learn from other people as well.

The online videos and concept files are very thoroughly prepared, keeping in mind the problems faced by the non-natives during GMAT preparations. The sequence of the chapters is formulated keeping in mind the progressions one should have while preparing for the exam, from basic grammar concepts (which we usually skip during our high school) to specific type of errors found in GMAT. Overall the course material and the live classes are very much worth it, if you struggle in verbal (especially sentence correction).

The instructors here are available via internal forums or emails. One thing I liked was that after very concept, there are a no. of questions of test the concept and grill it into your mind. Moreover, you can only proceed to the next concept if you clear the concept test. This part was extremely beneficial for me as I sometimes tend to skip the difficult concepts (keeping them for the end, which never comes) and move on.

These guys teach the 3-step process as the basic step towards solving any SC problem. The first part – breaking down the sentence into clauses or fragments – helped me a lot, not only in SC problems, but also to comprehend the GMAT English overall. It made me realize the core mistake I was doing before, i.e., not fully understanding the meaning of the sentence and skipping to the answer choices to look for errors.

I didn’t had time to go thoroughly through the CR and RC packages. The pre-thinking method for the assumption stem questions is good if you can master it.

I had already gone through the MGMAT strategy guides and Thursday’s with Ron SC videos before buying the EGMAT course. For me the mixture of these did the trick. If you don’t want to take the full course at once, you can always take specific courses like SC or CR or RC and then upgrade later. For Live Prep classes, you can attend the free sessions before making a decision.

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