August 12, 2015

Joined: Oct 19, 2014

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Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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I registered for e-gmat’s VLP course in early 2015. The eGMAT’s 3 step approach to SC and foundation concepts in CR are good.
Earlier in CR Qs I used to jump directly on to the options in order to evaluate the choices. This method took more time and my accuracy did not improve beyond 70%. Then I followed foundation concepts in CR. Initially I struggled with time but soon my accuracy and timings improved. Pre-thinking in CR’s helps you to understand the core of the argument, thereby making it easier to evaluate the answer choices.
The importance of the meaning in SC Q’s and the 3 step approach is one of the best methods I have come across. My SC strike rate has increased and now I am more confident while marking the answers.
Moreover, the Scholaranium – a quiz platform which has been launched recently, gives you the ability to measure your weaknesses in different areas and provides you with lots a practice questions that too with awesome explanations and statistics.
Finally, the live sessions, which are conducted by their superb faculty, provide you with great insights on common traps. All the SC live sessions and CR pre thinking session were an eye opener for me.
I would highly recommend the verbal course to anyone who wants to crack verbal in GMAT.

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