June 30, 2015

Posts: 3

Kudos: 0

Improvement 150 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

E-GMAT is a score changing machine. Basically their live prep is the best live prep course. Neeti, an instructor for CR and Sarada, an instructor for SC, are multi talented instructor. Both help me to clarify my concept spontaneously. Thank you E-GMAT. On the other hand their scholarinium is a Gigantic weapon to prepare 200%. When I struggle with some ambiguous sc& cr concept, Neeti & Sharadha return my query more than 100 times. I think those guys are very patient. They answer my all sc,rc&cr questions again & again. Basically scholorium questions touch all official question concept. I will take GMAT in October. Once time I thought that GMAT is not for me because of a weak student. But E-GMAT says that GMAT is for every people who has a diligent work inspiration. Now I am also a E-GMAT Quant live prep students. I think it is also help me like verbal live prep.

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