June 10, 2015

Posts: 13

Kudos: 56

Verbal Live Prep – Great Online Resources to Ace Gmat Verbal


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I have been scouting for a lot of prep courses for GMAT verbal. But none came as close to eGmat in regards to the clarity and depth. As a working professional, I like the flexibility that the course provides and the pace as which I am able to cover the concepts.
A big difference in my approach has been tackling SC questions. i was able to change my approach to SC questions and now pay more attention to meaning & Structure rather than just grammar and rules. This has significantly improved my overall score
Key factors :
- Good CR & SC strategies
- Excellent Concept files with a lot of Practice questions
- Live sessions are really good with simple and yet insightful explanation. Rajat & payal are very good at explaining the process and errors.
- Good explanation to OG questions.

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