May 29, 2015

Joined: Mar 02, 2012

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Perfect course for a perfect score!!!


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

Hello Everyone,

Being a non-native speaker and not so good at verbal, I always had a mentality where i considered Verbal to be very difficult. On the other hand I had this itch of acing GMAT that never calmed me and I always tried to improve my verbal score. To start with,I purchased MGMAT SC and CR books, but I eventually ended up with the same result without any significant improvement. Although, MGMAT SC book is good, I was not able to connect with the book. Then I tried to search for better book/resource/course to improve my verbal score and I must say I am lucky enough to end up with one of the best course available today: "E-GMAT Verbal Live Prep".

The course is planned in a such a way that you will always feel comfortable with the content and it always encourages you to move to next level. The way the faculty goes deep into the explanations and make you understand the basic concepts is truly remarkable. The live classes are so interactive that you will learn lot of new concepts not only from faculty but also from your peer group.

E-gmat Verbal live prep course has certainly boosted my confidence in tackling verbal part of GMAT. I would recommend this course to every non-native/native speaker out there who is thinking of 700+ score.

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