May 19, 2015

Joined: Jul 24, 2014

Posts: 31

Kudos: 1

Self-reported Score:
690 Q48 V36

e-GMAT Verbal Live Prep - The best verbal Course


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I have subscribed to e-GMAT Verbal Live Prep .
Background : I gave my first GMAT attempt on Nov 3rd 2014 and ended up with a score of 610 :( with split of Q45 V28 or so Needless to say , I was too disappointed , more so because I have always been an above average student and believed that my calibre was 700+ . I had prepared for about 4 months for my first attempt .
I decided to give another try , but sad part for me was , I was unable to figure how to improve on Verbal .I knew that I had to imporve on verbal , but didnt know exactly how . Unable to decide my next course of action , I decided to consult a few friends who had scored a decent GMAT score and am glad I did this . One of my friend who had taken up this course , vouched so much for e-GMAT VLP course, in fact he told me that the course is worth every penny . The very next day I subscribed for e-GMAT Verbal Live Prep and believe me this has been the best thing I did .

Best things about this course :
> The most important thing is " There is a Process " for solving questions . Believe me it makes life soo simple . All you have to do is follow the step by step process and does not require you to be a genius
> The concepts are soo well explained in audio and slides that , one wont get bored / tired .
> Its coverage / material is enough . No other material is required
> All OG problems are classified under respective subjects and e-GMAT process is applied for solving same
> Most importantly the Saturday & sunday Live sessions are just amazing . You can actually solve the questions live with the instructor and ask your queries live .
> My Most favourite part -- RC course . ( Yes ! believe me , you can improve on RC too !!! )
> Needless to mention - the dreaded MODIFIERS are soo simplified as VERB ING / ED modifiers ( Prior to this I didnt know when the modifer modified the preceeding clause and when it modified the noun )
> You get Free IR course - each type of IR is soo well explained
> Your queries are always addressed . Most of the times , I used to get replies to my query mails within the same hour .
> Free GMAT CLub tests

Studying with E-GMAT VLP , I now can easily identify the SC erros , drastically improved in RC .
Just before my GMAT second attept I averaged about 39 in verbal in my mock tests ( 37 , 40 , 44 ). My accuracy in RC reached 90% .

However in my actual GMAT second attempt , due to anxiousness I again ended up doing badly . 640 ( Q 44 , V34 ) .
But needless to say , I improved about 6 points in Verbal and am 110% sure I can easily get it to 38+ . So now on my prep for my 3rd attempt .

Happy with the course , I have also subscribed to their quant individual courses.

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