May 03, 2015

Posts: 12

Kudos: 7

Verbal online


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

My GMAT preparation had its ups and downs. I initially though I should study every available resources over the net and I will clear the GMAT. That is big NO.
I wasted 3 years of energy trying to do so.At last i came across egmat verbal program.
My verbal score was not bossing up even though i thought I have grasped the concepts well.Egmat verbal opened the doors of my mind.I was wrong.Egmat verbal program is designed very close to the original GMAT flavor .
Moreover, egmat teaches you to know the scope that GMAT covers. Knowing grammar,being logical is not sufficient to score high in gmat english.Egmat courses are designed to teach you and train you to be molded to the original GMAT style.
It helped to boost my score by 4 points in verbal.I hope to boost it by another 10 points in my next attempt.I am sticking to egmat this time. No more random resources.

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