April 18, 2015

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

This is a great course. Rajat, Payal and Shraddha are great instructors. I currently going through the SC section of egmat and finding some good materials on their website. They good and well written articles on hard gmat concepts like Pronouns and Modifiers.
I like the way have the materials structured by topics. Each topic has a pre-assessment and post assessment quizzes, which help reinforce concepts. The OG quizzes that follow each topic are great to understand how these concepts are tested on GMAT. EGMAT has a lot free material online and I would recommend all non native speakers who are MBA aspirants to try this course out.
They also have good strategy sessions that talk about timing strategies and study plans.
Would highly recommend this course for people struggling with verbals section of gmat

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