April 11, 2015

Joined: Dec 25, 2013

Posts: 8

Kudos: 7

From V-13 to V37 GMAT PREP and still working towards V41!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I am Sai Prasad B. I am an EE-engineer and work at Memory manufacturing company. My verbal skills are super poor to begin. I neither of 3 areas(RC , CR, SC) was my strength. To speak the truth i was horrible in my verbal. In my first Diagnostic test i score a 450(V13 Q40) on GMATPREP. I didn't expect much from myself in verbal, But looking at my Quant score i was couldn't sleep well that night. I worked on quant material that was out there, Kaplan premier, OG, OG workbook, Kaplan workbook, Kaplan 800, Manhatten quant advanced. I took my second GMATPREP scored a 550(V-16 and Q50). Getting a Q-50 felt good as i was able to see the results for the work that i put in.
i know my weakest area was Verbal. So i understood that i need to work. Gave myself enough time to solve all the problems from the material Kaplan premier, OG, OG workbook and Kaplan workbook. Here was my first mistake while i was solving verbal problems. I did not understand for what reasons the correct was correct and for what reasons the eliminating the options that were incorrect. I kept going with brute force. I took my GMAT PREP test-3 on jan26-2014, scored 600(V-24 Q48). Saw an improvement but was not satisfied. I took an another test after a month Feb22 2014 Scored 510 (V-12 and Q49). I took an other test after 2 months on Apr-26 2014 scored a 590(v-20 q-50). Understood that i need guidance to go any further on my verbal score. I got enrolled in GMATCLUB and found that EGMAT is the place for non-natives. Watched Free Sentence correction classes given my Payal. I was hardly getting anything correct in SC for the right reasons. I understood why i was so poor in Verbal. Took e-gmat Verbal online classes. started seeing my verbal score go up.
e-gmat Course is designed in a very good way with pre-assesment and post-assesments after every concept. It was super helpful.
Nov23-2014 GMAT PREP- 620(Q-49 and V26)
December 18 GMAT PREP 650(Q-50 and V27)
Jan 2 2015 GMAT PREP 680(Q-50 and V-31)
Jan 11 2015 GMAT PREP 720(Q-50 and V-37)
I took a break for my wedding. Now i am back to work and started working back on GMAT. Target 760.
But friends all i say is . Instead of wasting so much time as i did, Please suggest your friends to take e-gmat verbal online if they are poor in verbal like me and want to get high score. Ask them to track what mistakes they are do and repeat the concept files in EGMAT. This way anyone like me can build on their weak areas in Verbal. With proper guidance and persistent hardwork you can achieve whatever you want.

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