February 23, 2015

Joined: Jul 22, 2014

Posts: 3

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
680 Q49 V35

Quant Live Prep was really helpful in regaining my confidence!!!


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Japinder Kaur

Location Online


Before starting with the review, let me tell you about the circumstances in which I opted for e-GMAT Quant Live Prep.

I am an 34 yr old Engineer, who last spent times with books some 7 yrs.back. While I decided to take the GMAT exam, I was not sure whether my maths fundamentals are still strong.

I enrolled for Verbal Live prep in July 2014 (Quant Live prep was not launched by that time). I was so impressed with the methodology adopted by e-GMAT that I subscribed for QLP, as soon as it was launched.

What I had observed that many of more worried about our Verbal Score and take the Quant section for granted. Some of my friends stuck to Q46-Q47, while scoring a decent V40. Had they invested a little time on Quant, their GMAT score had boosted by 30-40 points. Since, I did not wanted to take a chance, I opted for QLP.

The first session with Rajat Sir was an eye opener. The session started with some warm up question and continuosly the difficulty level kept going up. The course seriously targets for 49-51 in Quant section.

Most of the classes were taken by Ms. Japinder, who was quite patient with students, even after marathon sessions of 3 hrs.

Over the time QLP kept on adding more n more question in every section. The assement section, which includes Advance Test really tests your nerves.

All in all, QLP is really good to start from scratch and to reach at the toughest level the GMAT tests.

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