January 27, 2015

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

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Too many a time, you hear about a disgruntled person from India who says "I only got 50 on quant" at which time I think to myself "only(!).. I must be doing something wrong". This demonstrates the extent to which people in India compete with each other. Math is central to their curriculum from young. I knew this (I'm a UK born indian) but didn't really have the opportunity to learn not only their approach to Math but also the pace.

The E-gmat Quant Live Prep is excellent. It is structured. Core concepts are broken down into manageable chunks. Everything makes sense. Furthermore, the LIVE sessions of the course introduced me to the pace. E-gmat features something called 'rapid fire' which does not give you a chance to think. You either know it (in which case you'll answer the question based on core concepts straight away) or you won't i.e. think for too long or get confused. When others answer in the allotted time, you have it right there in front of you - you’re not competitive and it is time to strengthen those concepts. In my opinion, these advantages alone are well worth the investment in the course.

Word of caution - the course would not be well suited for those who have weak math fundamentals. The course certainly goes over them, but it is fast paced. I followed various curricula of various prep companies - and still learnt new concepts through E-GMAT. My suggestion to others would be to go through the MGMAT fundamentals in Math book before doing this course. Be comfortable with the basics - and this course will take you to the next level and beyond.

Being a UK citizen, I gained much more value from E-GMAT's quant course than its verbal course. Hopefully, one day, I'll be able to say "I only got Q50 on the GMAT (!!)".

Highly recommended

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