January 09, 2015

Joined: Apr 16, 2014

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

Like others, I started my GMAT PREP using OG guides. Being non-native, I found myself struggling in learning the various SC rules. After lot of research and browsing, I joined e-gmat verbal online course. Its actually a very good and informative course, where you can easily understand the logical aspect of GMAT English. After completing the verbal online, I enrolled for the Live Prep program so as to solidify verbal foundation. As expected, this further increase my confidence regarding the prep. As per my experience, I learn more in 1 session of e-gmat than from a book on the same verbal topic.

In my first attempt, I scored 680 in GMAT. Thanks to e-gmat course and OG guides. I didn't go through any other study material, which helped me in staying focused and completing the course in time (around 2 months).

Use the following approach to gain the most from this course:
1. Complete all the prerequisite with due diligence.
2. Trust the process mentioned in the course and apply it for all the question you attempt.
3. Don't stray away from official material. Its better to go for quality than quantity.
4. Course will teach you concept in simple and easy way, but you only have to excel in the application of the those concepts.

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