December 02, 2014

Joined: Feb 03, 2013

Posts: 792

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Self-reported Score:
760 Q49 V44

Hard Work never gets unrewarded forever - 760 (49/44)


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

When I took my GMAT way back on 3rd October 2013, I scored VA 28. I took GMATPrep Mock 1 just before the GMAT appointment and I got 16 VA questions incorrect and out of 16 VA questions, around 13-14 question were incorrect from SC. I knew the problem was SC. I am descent in CR and RC.

I attended e-gmat demo and I liked the demo and joined e-gmat verbal live. What I liked about the e-gmat videos was the videos were arranged and there is a time table on which date you need to complete. The time table is pushy and keeps on track. The pre session assessment and Post session assessment. Those practice sessions really helped me to grasp the concepts along with Level 1 and Level 2 questions. In level 1 and level 2 concepts, there are level qualifying questions which tests your concepts. I used to strive to get 100% and some of the practice test I scored 100% correct. Level 3 is too good. The concepts such as Like vs As is very well written and very well explained. Even today when I am solving GMAT SC question, I refer to those concept files.

Then came UGE questions. At my time, I didn't have UGE questions for CR and Rajat told me it will get added later. I practiced questions from UGE for SC section and I completed those UGE questions. The accuracy for those questions were also descent.

The doubts which I posted on e-gmat forum was promptly answered by Shraddha, Payal and Meghna. The doubts were answered in depth and very lucid way so that we can understand in depth. The e-gmat team encouraged me and other students to come up with my analysis and that helped me to dig deeper into the question. My ear for SC is not at all good and I have to learn all the rules to apply those rules in GMAT SC questions.

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