November 07, 2014

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Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I enrolled for the e-gmat course on Apr 11, 2014 after completing the GMAT in Feb 2014. I was not happy with my score, and decided to sign up. Prior to this, I went with a classroom course of a famous company, have also finished MGMAT SC book and powerscore CR book. I see a clear difference between e-gmat and all other resources available. Personally, I feel that e-gmat is more detailed in teaching both SC ,CR and RC. It teaches you the application, not just the rules The live sessions are great. Payal does a great job answering questions and going through the content. I am glad I found the course. I'm already seeing an improvement in my verbal accuracy. Thanks to e-gmat! My next GMAT exam is a month away.I have gone through the preview of e scholar and found it soo helpfull and will purchase the complete course. I'll continue to spend time going through their content!

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