September 02, 2014

Joined: Feb 28, 2012

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The e-GMAT Verbal live


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I am a verbal live prep customer of e-GMAT. Before e-GMAT I had joined a well-recognized (indian) GMAT coaching institute. During my previous attempt I had gone through numerous materials form different sources. For my fellow GMAT aspirants I would like to highlight some strong areas of e-GMAT SC so that it will be helpful for you.
SC: Before e-GMAT I thought that you need to a grammarian in order to do well on SC, and people like us (non natives) can’t do well on SC. However, after going though e-GMAT live classes and online materials, I found that if you follow the procedure and crack the meaning, you can achieve 90-100% accuracy. The few things I like the most about e-GMAT SC
. Focus on meaning
. use of sentence structure for comprehension and error detection
. The 3-steps process.
I am yet to give my second attempt. Once I am done, I will let you know the e-GMAT impact with more details….

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