September 26, 2014

Joined: Jun 08, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

This course is tailored made for non-natives. Verbal live prep course gives all the ingredients to succeed in GMAT provided one follows by heart the key processes and applications taught during the course. The interactive online classes with the best of faculties in the respected fields and the detailed study plan make the content of the course worthwhile. For someone who feels that verbal is not his cup of tea, this course will surely change his view.
E-gmat has a wonderful 3steps process to attack and solve each question from SC, CR, RC. Mastering this process is the sure shot to success in verbal. This process has changed my approach of finding the correct answer in the options only. E-gmat taught me to prethink an answer before going through the options. This approach has shot up my accuracy level in CR and RC level tremendously. Moreover the meaning based approach to attack SC problems is the key to ace SC.
E-gmat teaches to select the right answer and eliminate the wrong answer choices for the right reasons.
Also the constant support from the support team has helped me to clarify my doubts.
This course is the one stop solution to ace in GMAT verbal.
I would highly recommend GMAT aspirants to take the Verbal live prep course of E-gmat to succeed in GMAT Verbal.

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