May 23, 2013

Posts: 10

Kudos: 4

Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I have been trying to cross that 35 barrier since 4 months now. I had started at just V22 when I gave my first gmat prep. Through the 4 months, let me tell you step by step I have reached to V32 now. Its just been because of e-gmat course where they have personally analyzed my weaker areas and given me feedback regarding what I need to revise, what I need to practice and presently I am in stage where test taking strategies needs to be improved.

For Indians especially, I would recommend E gmat course because its the concepts and not just practice that will make you strong. Egmat helps you make the fundamentals strong initially. Normally Indians have the habit of reading faster without comprehending the text. Quicker comprehension is where I think Indians do lack. When you are giving gmat exam, the pressure still makes you weak in comprehension and this is where Egmat helps you alot. The strategy of quicker comprehension and the prethinking technique has helped me alot in these 4 months. I have reached a stage now where I am getting 85% accuracy in Rc in which I used to get only 50% accuracy as inference and detail questions were my weak points. Spending more time on passage and getting the gist in case its a tough paragraph (which usually takes time) are the key strategies to crack RC is what I learnt over here. SC's prethinking technique and getting the meaning of the sentence too has increased my accuracy in 700 level questions which initially used to be wrong. Coming to the test strategies too, I have been following their strategy of getting 2 questions right in the next test by working only on one weak area per week. Let me tell you that it takes time but its worth it. Even if you invest 6 days only on a particular CR weakness or any any other weakness , it helps you answer that particular question in test more confidently. I am left with following weakness as of now:

CR: Bold face, Flaw in the reasoning.

SC: Some unique 700 level in which options are too close

RC: supports a particular argument, least support.
The last test i gave I got 32 in which I got only 13 wrong overall which implies accuracy has improved but needs to be much better in the first 15 questions of verbal where my score dropped actually.

The mental fatigue is what pulling me in verbal. I need to practice more on giving full length tests though.

I hope I join the 700 club soon. Looking forward to kill GMAT>

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