October 17, 2012

Posts: 0

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Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

If you are a non-native English speaker and want to score higher in verbal then you are at the right place. This is what I can say about e-GMAT.

My verbal is showing continuous improvement after joining e-GMAT. All of the e-GMAT courses especially verbal live prep is awesome. I have become a true fan of their live prep course as, I believe, this course is really for those who are aiming more than 40 in verbal.

SC: Given the fact that all non-native speakers struggle in SC, this course is a game changer and perfect starting point for verbal. After doing the course my accuracy has improved form 60% to around 85% for medium level questions and around 80% for tough questions. The best part about the SC live prep is the good course content and the emphasis they (Payal wouldn’t be happy here as there is no antecedent for this pronoun) give on understanding the meaning of the sentence first. Additionally, by attending the live prep, you get lot of knowledge from the questions other attendees in the class ask.

CR: What to say. The pre-thinking concept is just working excellent for me. Initially I struggled to get my pre-thinking working, sometimes it was taking even 5 minutes to pre-think but eventually practicing few questions, especially assumptions questions, made the life easier for me. Again the practice questions in the live prep classes are carefully chosen and clear lot of doubts I had. Also, as I said above, having other attendees in the live prep course give us an idea about how many different ways we can pre-think about a particular question type.

RC: There are literally hundreds of strategies flowing around on GMAT social network but I have found e-GMAT’s RC strategies taught in RC course and verbal live prep course best among the lot. It has really helped improve my reading in RC.

I would highly recommend e-GMAT verbal live prep!!!

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