October 16, 2012

Joined: Aug 05, 2011

Posts: 16

Kudos: 36

Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

On 01/01/2012 I decided to give my gmat this year(New year resolution !!!).

Started with the first step of hunting for materials.I did not feel the need for an online course then.
I brought all the MGMAT guides after searching through the forums.Got the books by the end of Jan and started studying for the exam.

I was not studying diligently cos of my hectic work schedule. I studied for 4 hours on weekends.The MGMAT guides were good but I was not able to push up verbal score beyond 32.

I realized that I needed some help in the verbal area apart from just learning from the books.
I was not spending enough time to study so I felt a proper online course would help me keep the pace.After searching thru the forums I zeroed in on the E-gmat course based on the reviews.Franky, I also did not want to burn a hole in my pocket.

I registered for the course in April.I must admit I was a bit skeptical initially but after attending my first online session I gave myself a pat.

Their approach for SC is by far the most effective and easiest I have ever seen.
Their pre-thinking approach for CR helped me to improve my timing.I was able to answer most of the CR questions a lot faster(40%) than before.
Initially their approach could seem a little time consuming,but once u get the hang of it u just keep going.

They clearly mention the pre-requisite concepts and articles that have to completed before attending an online session.I made sure to complete the pre-requisites mentioned and also a few OG questions before the session.This kind of helped me to understand the concepts better and also fine tune my approach.More than anything else the sessions gave me a structured approach and a clear schedule for my preparation.

Payal's RC sessions are really great.The way she brought SC into an RC session was really wonderful.
I am now constantly scoring around 38-40(A huge improvement for me !!!) in my mock tests.
I am planning to give my GMAT next month, and hope I reach my target score of 41 before that.

Overall I would say the course is clean-cut and a great value for money. Kudos to the team !!

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