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Fuqua satisfied my goal of opening up new opportunities, but I don't think I've learned that much in two years (or as much as I expected/could have). Fuqua is obsessed with Team Fuqua, which is fine, but it does so at the expense of the intellectual horsepower of their students (emphasizing fit/niceness over intelligence/ability...which is fine, to an extent -- Fuqua goes overboard). Classroom discussion and the student body overall is lacking, in my opinion.
Also, for as much as Fuqua enjoys talking about diversity there is little true diversity of thought. You can have perfect racial, sexual, etc diversity, but if there is minimal diversity of thought then what is the point? I do not feel like the intellectual rigor necessary for a real education is possible at a place like this. This lack of actual diversity is fine if you just want to learn accounting principles, but, for a school that likes to say they teach principles beyond business, this is laughable.
Having a GMAT average far below schools ranked significantly lower is a joke and will stop Fuqua from ever getting to the level of M7 (you can have personable/nice people without sacrificing intelligence). Fuqua seems to really enjoy taking people with 640 GMATs, giving them full-rides, and patting themselves on the back for "whole person concept"/Team Fuqua, but that doesn't stop the fact that it hurts their current students.
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