September 23, 2017

Joined: Jul 05, 2015

Posts: 11

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Changing their tune after the sale


Mark is a very nice person that boasts an incredible resume (Brown, Harvard, and Stanford GSB), so when I selected him as my consultant, I was very confident that I was in good hands, especially since he seemed VERY confident in me during the during the free consultant. He would throw out names like Stanford, Kellogg, and Wharton when suggesting schools I would be a fit for. I was not sure where to apply at first, but I knew I wanted to aim high and during the free consultation, Mark echoed my ambitions.

That changed after I signed with Admissionado. I gave my suggested school list (all M7s) to Mark and he immediately changed his tone, saying they were too risky. Despite this, I decided to go ahead and aim for my dream schools.

Mark is very good at writing an essay (poetic phrasing, good language, etc.), but he does miss the mark with content. For the majority of my essays, Mark had me focus on my career goals while de-emphasizing my personal story, which in hindsight, did not allow me to stand out from other people with a similar career background and aspirations. After submitting my essays and ultimately getting dinged without an interview, I had friends/colleagues who attended those schools review my essay (something I should have done before submitting). They all echoed the same thing - that my personal story was missing. They emphasized that my leadership and work history was reflected pretty well in my resume and that my career goals could have been stated in the 500 character box provided on the application, but my personal story, the one that truly sets me apart from my peers, the one related to my extracurricular activities, and the one I was dying to tell, was missing.

During the next round of applications, I wrote an essay with my personal story with feedback from my friends from the school (another M7) and ultimately received an acceptance.

Overall, Mark was very timely and made himself available for long phone conversations pretty much any time I needed him. Additionally, he is a very eloquent writer. The quality of my writing improved greatly with Mark's help and I couldn't have written my last essay as well as I did without his help with previous essays. However, I think he was short sighted when suggesting the content of the essays he helped with. I would recommend Mark and Admissionado only to help polish the essay, but not come up with the content from scratch. The process overall was a little stressful, especially with the dings I received after following his advice.

October 19, 2017

We appreciate the feedback. If it means we can get a little bit better, we'll take it. We wish your experience with us matched the standard we hold for ourselves which is... the best it can possibly be. While our recollection of our process together diverges from your account in a few places, we'd rather take your word and focus on areas we may stand a chance at improving. Again, all feedback is welcome, and helpful. We're die-hard perfectionists by nature, so we will not stop until our satisfaction rate is as high as it can possibly be, 100% of the time.

One minor thought about school lists. We're always eager to aim high with everyone who's willing to take the shot, and we'll be very honest about our thoughts on their chances at a given program. The one thing we aren't likely to say, perhaps ever, is that applying exclusively to M7 schools is a risk-free proposition, even for the most badass of them all. So we look to achieve balance in an overall list of target schools. Now, if we garbled our perspective there either during our initial consultation or after the work began, that's an honest oversight for us. We love taking smart risks with individual schools, but when considering a full slate of target programs, we have one eye on balance, always.

At any rate, we understand you're going to end up at an M7 school after all, so heartiest congrats, and regardless of everything, we're rooting for you to keep kicking ass...

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