December 06, 2012

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I belong to a very competitive pool of applicants: Indian, IT, male. Unless you have exceptional essays and application, it is difficult to get an interview call and then convert it to an admit. This is where Admissionado comes into play.

One of my friends who had used Admissionado's services and gotten into INSEAD recommended them.

I was applying to 1-year MBA programs in India at IIM Ahmedabad , Bangalore and Calcutta. As Admissionado works primarily on applications to schools in US and Europe, I was a bit hesitant, wondering whether they had the expertise needed to apply to colleges in India. Then I spoke with Mark Lellouch, one of their MBA consultants. Talking to him put my doubts to rest. He was very knowledgeable about the entire application process and, in the very first call, he helped me put a plan in place to get into a top MBA school even though I hadn't signed up with Admissionado yet. After this call, I signed up for the Deluxe package for 5 schools.

One of the things I like most about Admissionado is that it’s not just one consultant assigned to you. You have the entire Admissionado team behind you. Once, Mark had to go on vacation and I was ready with the first draft of my essays. Lauren, the Director of Operations, jumped in and made sure that my essays were reviewed by another senior member of the team.

Mark is very patient and will address all of your queries, no matter how small they may seem. There were times when our scheduled half hour calls went for an hour. He will make you think about your answers. He will be there for you whenever you need him. Sometimes it felt as if he himself were applying to the school!

But don't be fooled by his soft tone on the calls. He will review your essays and rip them apart till they are perfect in every sense. His feedback is very straight – and tough love works! Some of my essays went through 5-6 rounds of edits. And every essay in my package was reviewed by two MBA experts, to make sure every angle had been considered.

For one of my applications, I was close to the deadline but was not ready with the final draft. Mark worked till late and reviewed my essays till 2 AM so that I could meet the deadline. This kind of professionalism speaks volumes about the kind of commitment you get from the Admissionado team.

Mark also helped me a lot in preparing for the interviews. We had numerous calls and mock interviews to go over my answers till they sounded flawless, yet relaxed.

I applied to 1-year MBA programs at IIM Ahmedabad , Bangalore and Calcutta, and ISB, got interview calls from all of them and admit offers from IIM Bangalore and Calcutta.

Since I was admitted to my school of choice, I didn't end up using the services for all 5 schools. Lauren promptly refunded the amount for the schools remaining in my package.

I would definitely recommend Mark and Admissionado to anyone who wants to apply to top business schools and is willing to put in the work to make their dreams come true.

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