June 21, 2023

Joined: Jun 21, 2023

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q42 V44 (Online)

M7 Admit.


I was originally going to MBA programs next year, but Scott convinced me to take the plunge in round 3. I was initially very skeptical, given that it was already February and I had not even begun to study for, let alone take the gmat. However, Scott guided me through the entire process and helped me put together 5 applications in only two months. I ended up being admitted to 4/5 of my schools with scholarships, including my first choice, Chicago Booth. Thanks Scott!

I'd recommend this service to anyone who is applying to business school. Scott was super responsive and helped me craft my essays, even when I was struggling to articulate my own thoughts. I do not think I could have gotten through this application cycle without him.

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