May 05, 2020

Joined: May 02, 2020

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Highly Recommend!


Scott provided direct expert advice throughout every step of the application process. I really appreciated the unique and customized approach he took toward each of my schools, playing to my strengths and avoiding my weaknesses. A highlight of my experience working with Scott was how he made the daunting task of starting the application process into a seamless, and even fun exercise. The personal timeline and tasks he assigned made this initial process a lot more manageable than I anticipated, and he provided invaluable advice when helping craft my personal story and career goals so I could start tackling my essays. Scott paid great attention to every aspect of my application, and provided numerous detailed edits to my resume, career goals, short answers, and essays. He truly cared about making sure we got everything right, even if it meant having over 10 versions of my resume. In addition, Scott was always honest with his feedback and always made himself available - he was quick to respond to all my questions, no matter what day or holiday season it was.

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