March 31, 2019

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Personal MBA Coach Review


It was a crazy ride from start to finish applying for top MBA programs. It wouldn't have been possible without Scott's assistance. Coming from an engineering background, both undergraduate and career wise, I did not know anyone who went to a full time MBA program let alone a top MBA program. I thought I could handle the process my myself with assistance from friends and family. I soon realized I was in over my head. This caused me to regroup and postpone applying to schools for a year while I found an expert to assist me. I heavily researched lots of different admission consultants including having an initial screening with a handful.

Ultimately, I was looking for a consultant who had a few key qualities: success getting students admitted at the top schools, someone who was as invested in the process as me, and someone who would give me the truth without sugar coating it. Scott checked all these boxes. I felt better knowing that I was working with the owner of the consultant company, which isn’t true of some of the bigger consultant companies. This was a big reason why I chose Scott. I was concerned at other admission consultant companies that I would be pawned off to a low-level consultant without much experience.

The entire process was still stressful, but Scott helped me successfully get accepted to 2 top 7 programs and waitlisted at a 3rd. He was great to work with. We started by creating a schedule with milestones to hit as well as an initial brainstorming session. I also already knew what schools I was going to apply to, but he would assist with school selections. We only talked on the phone a few times but that was fine for me. We mostly communicated through email. His response time for emails or questions was normally within a day and around two days for essay revisions. For the most part he was blunt in his responses and opinions. I enjoyed this as I would rather have the truth. This may not work as well for some people who need more emotional support during the process. He also pushed me in my essay writing abilities. As an engineer this was a weak spot for me and he provided a great deal of value with editing abilities.

Overall working with him was a great experience and I would definitely recommend him to others. As the owner of the company I felt that he was as invested in me getting into at least 1 of my target programs as I was. However, a lot of the work is still placed on the applicant and a consultant is only there to assist.

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