March 25, 2019

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I met Scott at the MBA tour in Toronto in August 2018, we chatted for a bit that day, as I did with many other consultants. About a week later, we set up a free consult and the first thing that made him stand out was how much he remembered from our conversation......many other consultants are just talking heads until you hire them. I enjoyed getting the personalized experience even before I decided to work with him.

I hired Scott in Sept for just one school, and after 2 weeks I decided to go with the 3 school package to reduce my risk. I applied to Wharton, HBS and LBS Round 2.

From day 1 the service was always available, always personal and always so much fun. Scott took a lot of the stress of applying off my back as I could focus on writing the GMAT. We strategized my story in a way that drew on all the strengths I had, strengths I don't notice day2day. We then set out a timeline and from then on all document edits were done in 24-48 hours. If you ever needed to chat about something that was urgent though, you could call or get an email response sooner.

The resume, when I compare the one I was using initially to the final draft he worked with me on, it was day and night.

My essay, he really pushed me to get more of myself out on the paper and that helped for better storytelling. Scott is like the big brother that keeps telling you where you can improve, he will push you to the best essay you can get.

Short answer questions, even these he spent time perfecting with about 3-4 edits for each run down.

In the end, your profile is a well thought out, well-written piece that fully represents you. That is how personal Personal MBA Coach.

Now I'm enrolling in Wharton Class of 2021 and I am so grateful for the help and advice that Personal MBA coach offered. I have recommended him to every MBA hopeful I've met and will continue to.

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