February 07, 2019

Joined: May 23, 2018

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Review for Personal MBA Coach

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Overall, working with Scott from Personal MBA Coach was a great experience.

Starting off, I knew I wanted to work with a consultant because I wanted someone to help keep me on track while I balanced a busy job (I do consulting) and my extracurricular commitments. My initial search process started off with the free 30-min consultations with the larger brand names. I realized that I wanted more personalized attention and that the quality of the experience varied based on which consultant you worked with when signing on with a larger group. Eventually, I found Scott and we connected because of our backgrounds (Scott is a former consultant) and the fact that I would get his personalized attention throughout the process.

We worked together on 3 applications. He was extremely helpful when it came to outlining an essay response, getting my main points across, and finding ways for me to stand out among the sea of other male consultants in the MBA application pool. I felt that Scott took the time to read through my drafts, which he sent back usually within 1-2 business days. We finished the 3 applications with 2-3 weeks to go before the deadline. I then used material from those 3 schools to do 2 other schools on my own, mostly to save money. I would recommend the same to others if money is an issue, but you still want to make the most out of a consultant.

Beyond essays, the package does include interview prep. Overall, I felt like that was less useful than the essay help was. I say that because the nature of interviews can get pretty subjective. Scott does have personalized interview guides for each school (2-3 pages), but most of the information can be found online or from current students. Regardless, it was nice to practice interviews with people who had either interviewed at the school themselves or gone to the program. I also supplemented my interview practice with current students/alumni who I had known through undergrad or work.

Finally, I just want to say that Scott cares about each of his clients! He called to congratulate me when he heard I got into my dream programs and was there to comfort me when a got ding'ed at a few others. Looking back, there is nobody else I would have rather worked with to help me through this process!

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