May 15, 2013

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Alex Leventhal at came highly recommended by several of my college classmates. They felt Alex had “significant value-add” and noted that they would “fully recommend him without any hesitation.” Now I feel the same. With Alex’s help I was admitted to my top choice school – Wharton!

After first reaching out to Alex, I received an immediate response. He set up an introductory phone call to get to know more about me – my background, my interests, and my aspirations. He had me complete a several page biography, filled with numerous, detailed questions. Unlike other services I considered using, Alex sincerely wanted to get to know and establish a meaningful relationship with me.

Once I made the decision to move forward with Alex, we selected my target schools. He was extremely knowledgeable about the requirements of the various programs, and his advice during my selection process was very realistic.

After talking through my interests and narrowing down my target schools, we proceeded to develop my narrative. Alex made an effort to learn about and understand my past experience in order to help me create a cohesive narrative. He had significant value-add in essay brainstorming and even had numerous sample essays to share with me for reference points during the brainstorming process. Alex has been in the advising business for a while, so he had a sense of what would work and conversely, what mistakes to avoid. His expertise made it easy to trust him. Alex was critical and provided honest and constructive feedback.

When I reached the interview stage of the application process, Alex supported me with extremely helpful and accommodating mock sessions. Specifically for Wharton, the ability to practice the unique group interview was very important and he organized mock group sessions. The ability to experience the interview setting in advance of the real event gave me much greater comfort and confidence than I would have had otherwise.

Alex’s deep knowledge about the programs and the application process as well as his structured work plan made him a wonderful and hugely successful MBA consultant. Alex proved to be an effective and reliable resource throughout the application process. I had great success using his services and would recommend Alex to anyone that is beginning the application process!

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