June 25, 2024

Joined: Nov 12, 2023

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Emma turned a 2.8 GPA, 311 GRE, 32-year-old into a top 10 MBA admit. Need I say more?!

After 6 different fit calls with various advisors (see obstacles above), I could not have made a better decision on who to partner with through the application journey than Emma. She was everything you could want in an advisor: immediately responsive; exhaustively thorough; intrinsically thoughtful; and inherently compassionate (and not to mention an excellent editor, interview-prepper, and seemingly omniscient on MBA programs and their respective nuances).

I paid for a consultant to improve my chances of admissions but received a therapist, life coach, and MBA advisor all in one that helped me successfully navigate the dark and stormy sea that is the MBA application process.

I would typically recommend to everyone that they do extensive research to find the best possible advisor but save yourself the time - you already found her.

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