March 16, 2022

Joined: Mar 16, 2022

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Melissa helped me get into a top 10 MBA program


Melissa helped me get into a top 10 MBA program. I highly recommended working with her. My MBA journey started a few years ago, when I had reached out to Fortuna to work on a few MBA applications. I was matched with Melissa, who provided invaluable advice around how schools review applications and how I should frame my story. At that time, I had decided to put my MBA ambitions on hold and continue working for a few more years.

When I decided to reapply to just one school, I reached back out to Melissa, who was incredibly responsive and worked around my schedule to ensure that we got the application submitted in what was a very, very short amount of time.

Melissa knows what schools are looking for and helped me craft a story that really allowed me to put my best foot forward. I thought my story and career to date were pretty cookie-cutter. Melissa really helped me find my distinctive factors and helped me refine my story, which allowed me to submit a great application.

As an added bonus, she’s super friendly and awesome to work with.

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