May 13, 2020

Joined: May 13, 2020

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Greatest Coach and Experience Ever

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The only school I wanted to apply was MIT, known for its scientific rigor and applied learning approach within innovating ecosystem. At the time of my decision to do so, I had conviction about the school but tons of uncertainties about how to successfully navigate the arduous process of an application. After talking with Chris from MBA Prep School, he mentioned Court as a potential coach fitting my needs. It took me a 15-min call to know already that Court would be an amazing coach, well suited to my expectations.
Court is like a human GPS, who will assist you through all the navigation steps of the application. He will push you to discover yourself, to be authentic, to know who you are and what you want to accomplish through an MBA.
Court went above and beyond in every step of the process. I said Court is a human GPS because he knows all the roads you need to take, where the bumps are, and …. many of the bumps are in yourself. With his help, you will discover them, and you will feel more confident and competent to the task.
Court was very professional and emphatic, and neither left anything unplanned nor cut corners in terms of his support to my successful application. He was initially my coach. I consider him a life-long friend and a mentor.

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