June 29, 2016

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When you are ready to take the next step – consult the experts.

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I worked with Michel and Judith from August to November, 2015.

I come from an industry with few college grads (even fewer MBAs), and had no existing network of b-school grads to tap for information. After taking the GMAT in May 2015 and conducting initial research, I decided I should reach out to admissions consultants to verify that I was taking myself in the right direction.

I went through 8 consultations, and Fortuna stood out immediately. I spoke with Judith Hodara (former Wharton admissions director) and told her my story. She listened and spoke about my candidacy with confidence and enthusiasm I didn’t get from other firms. I told her the schools I was interested in, and she very honestly gave me “her list” of schools that I should consider. Rather than just allowing me to say, “Hi, help me get in to ‘X’ b-school,” Fortuna focused on developing an MBA path I could thrive on, while maximizing opportunities to achieve my goals.

Judith and my admissions coach, Michel Belden (former Bain recruiter), lead me through a rigorous self-discovery process and provided advice rooted in their experience from the other side of the table – not speculation based on other clients’ outcomes. We put together a list of 7 awesome b-schools (five I had not previously considered) and identified three that we would work on for Round 1. These schools were not on my radar at all before I hired Fortuna. It was through their process, that I discovered my top choices for business school.

In preparing the applications, Michel kept me on schedule and provided excellent feedback that helped me develop and convey “my story” to the adcoms. Michel was extremely accessible. Fortuna is not an essay-editing service. Instead, I received feedback from the perspectives of an admissions director and management consulting recruiter. They simply helped identify the good, the bad, the unconvincing, the unnecessary, and the incomplete areas of my application. This advice was invaluable. Michel was there to coach me through networking events and interviews, and provided advice at every touch point of the application process – even if I just needed help calming my nerves.

Ultimately, I was admitted to my top choice business school. A top-10 program I had not even considered before working with Judith and Michel. Their expertise, process, and guidance is second to none. Regardless of my outcome, I would recommend Fortuna and Michel to future applicants. What you will learn working with Michel is completely transferable to any MBA application. Fortuna Admissions totally exceeded my expectations.

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