July 11, 2015

Posts: 36

Kudos: 13

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V41

Thanks to Fortuna I got into INSEAD, my top-choice


I chose Fortuna because of their deep knowledge of the admission process. Besides, as a European applicant, I felt they had a strong edge on other admission consultants in being truly international, rather than focusing on the US.

At the beginning of the process, Fortuna helped me to build the confidence that I could aim to top MBA programmes, and to clearly assess the strengths of my profile to emphasise in my application.

Coming from a non-traditional background with multiple jobs, Fortuna guidance was extremely useful in selecting the right stories and addressing my weak points effectively. My essays improved significantly through multiple revisions, and having Caroline, Insead former Admission Director, to give a final evaluation before hitting ‘submit’ felt very reassuring!

Finally, the mock-interview before the real one really helped in knowing what to expect, and how to be ready for that last crucial step.

With all the time and effort I spent on my MBA application, I am glad with my decision of engaging Fortuna in helping me achieving such a great result!

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