December 23, 2012

Joined: Dec 23, 2012

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I was referred to Tyler Cormney ( by a friend of mine who used his services and was admitted to Wharton. My first bit of advice - START EARLY! I started working with Tyler in April 2012 with the plan of applying to four schools in Round 1, and didn't realize how much work there would be! Yet it was all worth it - every exercise I completed and video I watched on the MBA Prep School website was integral to helping me craft my "story."

Tyler and I would chat once a week to discuss my stories, my concerns, and anything else that was on my mind related to applying. He was extremely supportive, yet always made sure that I was realistic in my outlook.

I think Tyler's greatest strength was making me feel like I was his only client. His uncanny ability to remember specific details about my career goals and my stories blew me away.

Ultimately, I was accepted to a Top 10 program, and will be matriculating there in the fall!

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