April 05, 2014

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I highly recommend Paul form Amerasia for his admission consulting service. Last year I worked with Paul for three top schools and I got accepted by all of them – Wharton, Columbia and Chicago. I know very clear from my experience that I could never achieve this without Paul’s help. And hiring him was one of the most important and smartest decisions I have ever made in my application process.

So I’d like to share some of my insights of Paul’s fantastic service here, as I think people in this forum are deserved to know more about this amazing consultant. I started to look for an admission consultant in February last year. Like many of you, I read through all the consultant review threads in the forum and then set up initial discussions with seven consultants from different firms. Most of them limited the free consulting call within half an hour and just talked about the general strategies in the application (and also try to sell their packages). However, the initial call with Paul was completed different. We talked for two hours! Paul obviously read through my resume and background information I provided carefully before the call. So during the call we discussed many details about my background and possible school selections. Everything was specific about me and I felt like talking with a friend rather than a sales guy. Keep in mind that it was just the free consulting call and there is no sign at all I will engage his service, and his willingness to spend two hours sharing his expert advice on my application really impressed me.

After careful evaluating all the consultants I have talked, I decided to go with Paul for one school package first. And his highly professional performance and beyond expectation deliverables convinced me to sign two more schools with him about one months later. So here is how we worked:

- Paul gave me a very detailed questionnaire to fill in all my relevant information, including family background, academic performance, extra-curriculums and possible story topics – not as in the resume format, but in more complicated and detailed way for my “raw” information. It may take you some time to fill but turned out very helpful and efficient when we came to the essay writing part at later stage.

- Then we set up the kick-off meeting to go through the questionnaire. Paul spent a lot of time and effort to understand me as a person, not just as an applicant. He asked many questions and also recorded down my answers for his study afterwards, which I don’t think many consultants would do that. The whole conversation was very confortable and efficient.

- After the kick-off meeting Paul formulated a specific school strategy plan for me. The strategic plan was fully customized based on my background and it also outlined all the specific and very insightful analysis for each essay topic of that particular school.

- We met for two hours almost every week to discuss my essay draft or his editing work. His editing was very extensive and detailed. What’s the best was that he also included sources and background information with his comments and revising so I could understand better where did he come from and what’s the angle behind. I should say that the before and after versions of my essay were on completely different levels. Even his editing made my essay better every time, he never stopped on that but polished it over and over until both of us satisfied. I must say that for most of time Paul had even higher standards than mine in terms of perfection – I remembered we went through twelve versions of my Columbia essays.

- Paul’s commitment and dedication in his work was exceptional. I know he often worked till very late for my turnarounds and we often talked at his 3/4 am in the morning. He never delayed his deliverables or sacrificed the quality of his work. I knew he worked for multiple clients at the same time but I always received the best service all the time.

- Paul’s school package basically includes everything you need in the application process beside essays. We edited my resume word by word – the final product was neat and elegant; Paul examined my application forms and found out plenty typos, the ones that you would never spot out through your own eyes; he also helped polish the short question answers in my application forms – some of them could be very tricky and make the real difference sometimes; I need to specially mention his superb interview coach / mock interview, which really made me understand what’s behind each interview question and the whole idea about the interview process for each school. I want to thank Paul for his coach on my Wharton group-based discussion. Without his excellent guidance and expert knowledge about the group-based discussion, I would never performed as what I did during the interview.

- Paul has very deep and extensive knowledge about different schools and their programs respectively, which was so important for us to formulate the specific strategies to tackle different essays. He even knows the personal preferences of those admission directors in those schools and the most effective and efficient style that works the best to convey your message to different admission committees.

And I want to highlight Paul’s great personality. He is a sincere and honest man with a kind heart. Talking to Paul every week used to be the most fun and enjoyable hours to me during my whole application. And that means a lot to me. I know he cared my success when I worked with him. My only regret now is that I did not sign more school packages with him. I give my full recommendation of Paul for anyone who wants to make your MBA application journey a fun while fruitful one! PM me if you have any question or need more information.

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