February 16, 2012

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Working with Adam was a dream! Not only did I gain expert guidance on my applications but I also felt that I gained a friend. I highly recommend him to everyone. I’ve been admitted into both programs I applied to (International MBA schools in the “elite” cluster). :-)

I do my homework so before committing to Amerasia, I did free consultations with 8 other consultants. I liked them to varying degrees and would even say that I clicked with some. However, more than just rapport, I needed someone who was convinced of my candidacy; someone who knew he could get me in and already had a plan. Adam was all these things and more. He liked my story and he made me like it too.

I’m the sort of person who obsesses over things and worries about everything. Adam steadied my nerves and gave me a sense of peace and clarity that allowed me to turn in my finest work. He also filtered out the noise from the misinformation on the process and enabled me to concentrate on what really mattered.

The essays, of course, are at the heart of this matter. While Adam is willing to accept calls, he much prefers email so that we could create a trail and document our progress. I quickly saw the rationale of this and found it an incredibly efficient way to get things done. His response time is lightning fast. There was never a compromise in the quality though because each input he’d submit was well thought-out and highly beneficial.

Adam’s a huge advocate of “the right structure.” What he does is he makes an outline of how to answer the essay question. He gives guidelines as well on how much of the essay should be spent on each part in order to maximize impact. This leaves all the content up to you (just as it should be). You are able to be as creative and original as you want while using his parameters in order to ensure you are on track. If he’d ever rewrite something, it would only be to phrase it better. I was able to maintain my own voice throughout as well as bring out the best of my abilities.

As for the mock interview, he passed me on to a colleague and this worked out wonderfully because I got a fresh set of eyes on my application. I was given a bit of advice but the more important thing is that I was able to work out my jitters over the process. When I interviewed for real, I was calm, collected, and able to make the best impression possible.

Again, I cannot stress how much I enjoyed working with Adam. His belief in me got me through this difficult process and has inspired me to face whatever challenges ahead with the same belief in myself.

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