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Till this day, I'm still amazed to learn the diverse background of my classmates and I really like the "CBS Matters" sessions, which gives everyone the opportunity to learn more about you and what leads to who you are today. Also the career support is tremendous. We have the best executives in residence here, who are all retired industry leaders such as the former CEO of Deloitte.
Also we get support from second years who have gone through the entire process. CBS has a career fellow program where selected second years from various industries can meet and help the students in person. It's particularly helpful for those who would like to get hand-on experience in terms of interview process, internship experience, etc.
Almost every company I know recruit from CBS... lots of job opportunities posted on school career website everyday and strong alumni network to support the enterprise search students as well.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school
Investment Banking
Curriculum, Classes, Professors