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I have absolutely loved my time Haas so far. The school's culture and community have exceeded its reputation. All of my peers truly embody Haas's defining principles. Another factor that exceeded my expectations has been the alumni support. All of the Haas alumni I've reached out to have been more than happy to speak with me and provide support for my job search.
I have learned so much already in my classes. They are a mix of case studies, lecture, and discussion which keeps the classes interesting. The homework load is not too much and leaves plenty of time for career exploration and extra curricular activities. Haas has a good number and variety of electives. As someone who is going into renewable energy, I am really happy with the energy related classes as Haas.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Culture & Student Support
Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)