June 25, 2019

Joined: Aug 09, 2015

Posts: 8

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
690 Q45 V39

When I was initially debating whether to even choose a consultant in this process, I vetted a number of options - ARINGO, MBAmission, MENLO coaching, Accepted, Art of Applying, etc etc. Applying with a lower GMAT score was a huge concern for me (taking it again wasn't an option) and while the other companies (both listed and not listed) made my low score the focus, Sriram at ARINGO saw my story for what it was, and believed in me from the beginning.

His belief, and his ability to see the candidate behind the numbers is uncanny. He knows how to get the right stories out of each person, and was able to help me really craft my personal brand + tailor it to each school I worked with him on.

Of all the schools I applied to - I was waitlisted at 1, and got accepted to 4, ultimately now matriculating at Wharton.

10000% could not have done this without Sriram's help - he helped me not only improve my storytelling, but also hone in on why I really wanted business school to begin with (since that often becomes unclear in the depths of the application process) and reminded me that my story meant more than the scores/numbers I was so worried about.

Could not recommend Sriram and ARINGO more - truly, they understand that we are all unique people at the end of the day, and all have value to add in the MBA classroom.

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