December 25, 2016

Joined: Mar 06, 2014

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Personal and Customized Consulting


Hey all,

I now consider myself lucky being a part of a group of super talented, intelligent, and hard-working Graduates of the INSEAD MBA 15D Class.

For that, I would like to take the time now and say a big THANKS to ARINGO! I couldn’t have been admitted to INSEAD without you!

The path to MBA admission begun with me being at loss about my strengths and weaknesses, future career steps, and which school would be the right one for me. In this respect, ARINGO services proved to be indispensable as they helped me to reflect and focus, so when the call from INSEAD came in, I had no doubts I'm going there!

As to the working process with ARINGO, my consultant, Danielle, has put a lot of effort in my application to INSEAD, and my personal story was reflected in the essays in the best way I could imagine.

One point that is, to my mind, was the most important about Danielle was her commitment. For example, though she was heading to the US for a private vacation towards the application deadline, she’s still polished my essays up until a few hours before her flight. As a customer, the time before the application deadline is the most sensitive one, a time when although the application is 99.9% done, you feel you can’t really settle for less than a 100%.

I can’t think of something more I could have expected from a consultant, and looking back, I was fortunate to have ARINGO by my side.

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