December 21, 2016

Joined: Dec 21, 2016

Posts: 1

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Thank you ARINGO

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Dear ARINGO team, THANK YOU! I applied with you to three schools and got into two with a substantial scholarship (IESE and LBS).
I am currently studying in the best institution in Europe (LBS of course) and loving every minute of it

Hila, Shimri and co, I would not have done it without you.
and Joy, my consultant, wow. I know you have been doing this for over 10 years, full time, but still, wow…
The strategy process really set me on track, and the guidelines to what to write in my essays and what not were spot on.
The huge advantage of ARINGO is definitely the school specific experts and I remember several conversations with Shimri over LBS strategies.
So big kudos to you ARINGO. Keep up the good job!

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