May 26, 2017

Joined: Dec 28, 2013

Posts: 1

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
620 Q42 V34
640 Q45 V32

best two years of my life


This review is for Anderson (UCLA)

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2016

Experience during the program

UCLA is characterized by its people and our devotion to what we do, and that is something a student will experience even before starting school. Career services will help you all throughout the process of making the best decisions for your future, but more importantly, classmates on their second year are surprisingly eager to share with incoming students their perspectives, experiences and insights, and practice all along the way.

The environment is student driven, so even though UCLA is a huge organization, students can still create an impact and drive innovation in campus, like renewing infrastructure and organizing events in school.

Can't help but recommend UCLA Anderson

About professors, classes and curriculum

Professors are open to share their own research and consulting opportunities with students they feel are strong, which enhances the learning process and allows bonding between students and faculty.

About job placement process

Career services is just fantastic. The team acts as a unit, and are readily available to guide students and provide them with resources to help them achieve their goals

Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)

Strengths of the program:

Alumni Network
Culture & Student Support

Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Admissions Team

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