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Advice: Go to business school with a clear idea of what job you want when you graduate and then go after every opportunity that supports that objective while in b-school. The time goes by way to fast and there are way to many opportunities to explore and figure out your career objective while in b-school.
Experience: There seems to be a disconnect between what is taught in the class and what you are actually graded/tested on. This can be very frustrating for those driven to success in all areas and caters to those who already have experience in those class/functional areas or those with photographic memories. Additionally, all classes are graded on a curve which can be arbitrarily set by an instructor's whim. Read the teacher/class reviews and go after classes that will stretch you and inspire growth in order to maximize your return on your b-school investment.
Additionally: Focus on leveraging the connections you have with your classmates and the alumni network. These two areas of human capital are the most beneficial aspects of b-school.
Finally: HAVE FUN!!!
Try not to get frustrated at the disconnect between what is taught in class and what you are tested/graded on. Since grades largely do not matter in b-school, leverage connections with classmates and succeed at recruiting events instead.
Anderson would serve themselves better if they connect to the Global Business Economy that Los Angeles represents as well as ALL of the industries and job functions rather than a few.
Leverage the Alumni Network as much and as often as possible.
Overall BSchool experience (4.0)
Schools contribution (3.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)
Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity
Entertainment & Sports
Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school